Final Full website design - Drawn

This is a rough idea of how my pages are going to look on my website:

This is the Homepage

About us Page

Galleries Page

Links Page

and the Contact Page.

I am going to create these in adobe to see how my final website is going to look.

Two final website designs - Digital

I like the colours they go well with the purpose of the website and female's would like these colours and the layout is clear. However I think everything looks too separate as everything is in blocks.

I like this design, everything blends in well and it looks professional. I like the gallery with the black background and so the photos stand out. I like the links they are clear in the boxes and they have a nice font which is 'Verdana'. I think this design is perfect for my type and purpose.
For my final full website design I am going to use this design. I am now going to create each page of the website.

Two Final website designs - Drawn

I am now going to sketch together two final designs from using my favourite ideas.

In this design I am going to use my favourite logo. Then the links on the left and the gallary on the right because I like this idea. I am also going to use quite light colours and possibly black or white so the photos can stand out.

This design is going to be very similar. I am going to use my favourite logo again to make it look professional. I am going to use Links in boxes and put the gallary underneath. The links are going to be slightly different as when you click on 'Gallaries' underneath will appear them and then people can click on these to direct them to that particular gallary.

Final Designs - Digital

From using the drawn ideas here are some examples of how my final webpage could look:

In this design I have used Verdana Text. I have used Pink, Purple and green colours, to fit in with flowers, these colours go well together. I like the simple layout, as it is quite clear to everyone.

I like this design as it looks sophisticated and professional. This is because the logo looks good and the use of colours fits the design. I have used the font Comic Sans Ms I really like this font it fits my design very well.. I'm not to sure if I like the slideshow i think it looks better with just one picture or information.

I like the use of pink colours as this would appeal to females. I like the photo of the flower I have used it fits well with the design. In this design I have used the font Ariel.

I really like this design with the layout. However it seems to look a bit crowded. I think I could change the logo and change around the colours to make it look better.

Final Designs -Drawn

From gathering ideas and designs, here are some drawn examples of how my final webpage could look:

I like this idea of the logo being at the top and all the links being together in a box and the info for that particular link appearing at the bottom. It is very clear and well structured.

I like the idea of the links being on the side and it appearing on the right, it will look very good. The thumbnails of the images is good way of showing my photography.

I like the logo Ive used in this design. I'm not to sure about the layout it might look a bit untidy with the links in seprate boxes and I'm a bit unsure how the slideshow would look on the homepage of my website.

I like this idea because it looks simple and people will easily be able to navigate around my website.

I am now going to use these final design ideas to design some final website designs and to see which ones look the best.

Web Design Layouts - Digital

I have designed some web design layouts and put some colours into them by using the best colours that would suit my website, from looking at the colour schemes.

I like the purple and pink colours they would mainly target females, which would be good for my website. I like the idea of clicking on Galleries then underneath appears them all such as 'Blue' so then you click on that then it takes you to that 'particular gallery'. I think its a nice and simple layout and would be easy for people to use.

I like how you can click on a link and then it appears below. This is very clear for the user. The Pink and green colours would fit in with flower colours and so they would be suitable for my website.

I think the colours are a bit too dull and a bit old fashioned and I want my website to look modern. I like the links at the top. I'm not sure about having a slide show on the homepage. It might take a while for the main page to load and might put people of visiting my site.

This is my favourite layout and the colours go well. The photos would stand out with the black background. I like the links on the side and how would it appear on the right. The links are pretty clear and it would be easy to navigate around the website.

Web Design Layouts - Drawn

This is a good layout.
I like the idea for example when you click on 'Galleries' it will have underneath Pink, Purple etc.. and you can then click on these links, then it will link you to that particular page. So if you click on pink it will go to the page with the gallery of pink flowers on.

I like this Layout it is presented well. I like how you can see the gallery of photos on the main homepage and I like how all the different links are down one side. This layout would be clear for the user to navigate around the site and the links are pretty clear.

I'm not sure if I like the idea of one image and a brief description on the main page. I like the idea of having links down the side of the page.

I quite like this layout. I like how the links are near the top of the page and so it would be pretty easy to navigate around my website. I'm not sure if the slideshow would be a good idea, it might slow the website down. I think it is good with the logo and title at the top of the page, so people can clearly see what my website is about.

Images/Photos - Digtal

This would be good for displaying my images in a gallary.
As shown.
It would be a nice way to click on the thumbnails of my photos then to open each image like this.

Here is a slideshow of some of my own flower photography collection. I could use these photos on my website:

Fonts - Digital

I then used some ideas from my drawings and just tested out different kinds and colours of fonts as below:

For the Main Title:

Main Text on Website:

I am now going to look at different types of fonts that I can use for the main text. I am going to use Typtester, to compare fonts:

Each example will have
then italic text.

I will normal use the regular text then bold and italic for important text to stand out.

This text is Ariel. I like this text its clear to read and as a nice relaxed style to it.

This Font is Times New Roman. This text is easy to read but I think this text is too formal for my website. This font would be ideal e.g for writing a letter.

This Font style is Impact. I don't think this would be very good for my website, its not very clear to read. The writing is to thick and bold which makes it hard to read.

This font style is Comic Sans MS. I like this text, this would be ideal for my website. It is quite stylish and would give of a relaxed and friendly tone.

This font style is Verdana. I quite like this too. It's easy to read and as a nice style to the writing which would suit my website.

Fonts - Drawn

I then decided to draw up some ideas of how my text would look on my website.

Main title:

I Quite like this style of writing, its clear to read but also quite stylised.

I don't like this font. It would not suit my type of website. This would be ideal for a more creepy or scary website.

I like this style, its simple and stands out.

With this I like the use of different styles of writing.

I like how the words are underneath each other, but I don't like the style of writing.

I do like the style of writing for this.

I don't really like this, it wouldn't really fit with my type of website.

I quite like the fonts that are more stylish but also clear to read.
I like the fonts were each word as a different kind of font, to make it look more unique. The main title needs to look clear, professional, and needs to stand out.

Main Text on website:

These types of fonts would be ideal for the main text, as they are clear and simple to read.

For the main text on my website the text needs to be readable and clear for everyone to read.

Logos - Digital

I then designed some of my favourite drawing ideas in adobe illustrator. I also changed bits and added colour to see what they would look like.

This design is good in the way I've used images to give a simple meaning. However I don't think this logo looks very professional and I don't think it would suit my website. This logo would be ideal for a website aimed at children, as they like visual things and this simple imagery would be good.

This is definitely my favourite design. I like how the colours and text work. It is quite simple but looks very professional.

I don’t really like these ideas. I think there a bit too simple. They don’t really give of much meaning.

I really like this logo. I like how the text stands out in the image by the use of black and I like the photo of the flower. The photo is very good in the use of colours and the position of the image looks good. This logo would be ideal for my website.

I really like this logo. I like how the text stands out in the image by the use of contrast with the black and white colours. I also like how the photo of the flower fits in with the text. This logo is simple, it gives of a relaxed tone and looks professional too. The only thing that would look better if i edited the image so it would merge better with the white background.

I think this logo is very good for my website. This logo shows good use of digital photography. I like the strong exposure of the yellow flower. I think this image stands out with the use of contrasting colours the grayscale (dark) background and the bright yellow flower and writing. The yellow colours gives of a positive vibe. This logo would be perfect for my website.

I like this logo very much. It gives of a clam and relaxed feeling, with the blue sky in the background. I Like how the text and flower are nicely positioned. I like the style of font how it fits perfectly with photography.